Land Rover 2005 to 2009 replacement keys can easily be created with OBDSTAR X300 Pro4 or X300 DP Plus. Here is an example of how to program Land Rover Sport 2007 spare keys with x300 per 4.
Make connection
Select Immo programming – Land rover – Sport 2005-2009 – Program keys
Insert working key, switch the ignition off
Remove the current inserted key
Program success. Press Enter to program next key.
Insert new key into ignition, don’t turn on ignition
Insert the same key, switch ignition on
switch ignition off
Program success.
Program complete.
Test both keys.
I also did a 2006 Model Discovery 3 spare key with x300 dp plus. After you add the key live the car idling for 6 minutes. However skp900 works better.