Step to install BMW ISTA+ with all programming data


I have read that BMW will stop support F and G series from Ista P.
Is there somewhere a good tutorial how to install the new ISTA+ with all programming data included.
There are a lot of different software SPD delta, etc etc. How to install and which files to use

Here you go…
First you need ICOM to get ISTA+ programming to work. Yes, you can have tested ISTA+ download from or use the psdzdata FULL from @Shawn which is an easier route for *you* than using the sdp deltas and ISTA Launcher Console.


1- rename C:\Rheingold\PSdZ\data\psdzdata to psdzdata.orig

2- extract psdzdata FULL in C:\Rheingold\PSdZ\data, browse to C:\Rheingold\PSdZ\data\psdzdata\swe\swfl and check that there is lots of files…

3- you need to enter those two registry entries for x64 OS:



PS: if you can’t read faults with ISTA, your installations has some issues.


I don’t use ISTA programming as I don’t have BMW ICOM.

I only use Esys/ENET for flashing/programming. Pretty powerful and lets you do stuff that ISTA will never do (like flash GTS DCT software for non GTS M4)

Here are two different entries to point to psdz.

1) BMW.Rheingold.Programming.PsdzDataPath”=”C:\\Rheingold\\PSdZ\\data

is all that is included in Diagnosis-only ISTA+

2) BMW.Rheingold.Programming.PsdzDataPath”=”C:\\Rheingold\\PSdZ\\data_swi

is what is needed for programming Fxx/Ixx/Gxx-series with BMW ICOM A2(ie SDP). But, you could change to whatever you want in registry.