Sometimes the engine fault light is on because it is hard to start the car. Here displayed 3 error code in the engine system when used X431 tablet to test.
P245A Exhaust gas recirculation cooler – bypass control circuit is permanent;
2. P0342 Camshaft position sensor A- circuit output voltage too low (cylinder group 1 or single sensor) history
P2264 Fuel composition (water content) sensor circuit failure interval
If you want to know more about Launch X431, please visit how to use Launch X431.
1. Connect X-431 to Land Rover Freelander obd port, then enter menu to select “Land Rover V32.82 above”
2. Click “Confirm” prompt X431PRO3 reads the diagnostic vehicle information,
3. After verification, click “yes” to continues
4. Read engine system fault code:
P245A waste gas recirculating cooler – bypass control circuit permanent; P0342 camshaft position sensor A- circuit output voltage too low (cylinder group 1 or single sensor) history;
P2264 fuel composition (water content) sensor circuit fault intermittence
According to the analysis of the above fault codes, the reason why sometimes the engine is difficult to start, it may be this two fault codes:
(1) P2264 fuel oil composition (water content) Fault of sensor circuit;
(2)P0342 CAM shaft position sensor A- circuit output voltage too low (cylinder group 1 or single sensor ). Considering that the diesel filter has been used for 30,000km, the solution of the fault code P2264 is to replace the diesel filter first. In the process of replacement, the sensor line is checked, the pin is processed and replugged. Note that the replacement of the diesel filter needs to be drained and the special reset is to be carried out.
After checking the voltage of the signal line of the camshaft position sensor, it is decided to replace the camshaft position sensor. Install the camshaft position sensor to ensure that the clearance between the CAM position sensor and the end face is 7.5 mm. As shown in picture below:
The sensor steps between the end face and put a 7.5 mm diameter bit, clearance is too small will wear the CAM position sensor, lead to damage of the CAM position sensor, the signal will too weak cause the gap is too big .
According to the fault code “P245A exhaust gas recirculation cooler – bypass control circuit”, the exhaust gas recirculation cooler – bypass control solenoid valve for inspection, found that electricity after the body doesn’t work, the replacement of exhaust gas recirculation cooler – bypass control solenoid valve for processing.
According to the fault code “P245A exhaust gas recirculation cooler – bypass control circuit”, the exhaust gas recirculation cooler – bypass control solenoid valve for inspection, found that electricity after the body doesn’t work, the replacement of exhaust gas recirculation cooler – bypass control solenoid valve for processing.